The Mad T Party ends on March 30th..........
So the other weekend I decided to stop by and see it one last time.
(Well at least until they bring it back again when the new Alice movie comes out in theaters.)
I remember when the T Party first replaced Electronica and how disappointed I was with the band at that time. Well the current version of this band is much better than that original version and really rocks the stage and gathers a good sized audience.
Both the Mad Hatter and Alice are really good singers and performers as they command the stage. The band has great routine with a lot of energy and stage presence.
The band has quite a following and the Mad T Party seems to be quite a hit ---so I can't imagine it not coming back with a brand new Alice movie hitting theaters in late May. My guess is that it will return with some new theming to tie into the new film.
Alice has a little bit of a naughty side which adds to the fun.
I'll definitely stop by and watch the band if and when they return after the Food and Wine Festival which starts April 1st (the reason for the T Party to end)
After the bands set Tweedle Dee and Dum took to the smaller side stage to introduce and dance troupe --while the White Rabbit DJ'd.
So if you are a fan of the band and can get out tomorrow----check them out for one last time
(If I 'm wrong about their return that is)
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